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Technical guidance for the inclusion of models/modules in the NextGen Water Resources Modeling Framework

Authors: Fred Ogden, Nels Frazier, Keith Jennings, Jonathan Frame, Wouter Knoben, Tadd Bindas, Yalan Song, Irene Garousi-Nejad, Jeffrey Carver, Andy Wood, Anthony Castronova, Arpita Patel, Shahabul Alam, Sifan A. Koriche, Junwei Guo, Cyril Thébault, Raymond J. Spiteri, Ahmad J. Khattak, James Halgren, Patrick J. Clemins, Mukesh Kumar, and Martyn Clark


This document provides technical guidance for including models and modules in the Next Generation Water Resources Modeling Framework (NextGen). It covers essential aspects of model integration, best practices, and framework requirements.

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For the complete technical guidance, please refer to the PDF document below:

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Key Points

  • NextGen is a model-agnostic, standards-based framework for water resources modeling
  • It allows for flexible experimentation with hydrologic cycle representations
  • The framework supports explicit coupling of models through sharing of computed states and fluxes
  • Design requirements include maximum flexibility, open-source development, and multi-language support