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Welcome DocuHub's Blog

· 2 min read
Arpita Patel
Creator/Maintener of DocuHub

Adding posts

What file name to use?

DocuHub will extract a YYYY-MM-DD date from many patterns such as or YYYY/MM/DD/ This enables you to easily group blog posts by year, by month, or to use a flat structure.

Example (with Metadata/Front matter)

To publish in the blog, create a Markdown file within the blog directory. For example, create a file at /blog/


title: Welcome DocuHub
description: This is my first post on DocuHub.
slug: welcome-DocuHub
- name: John Doe
title: Co-creator of Product 1
url: <Youe github product or external article link>
image_url: <Author pic url>
- name: Jane Doe
title: Co-creator of Product 2
url: <Youe github product or external article link>
image_url: <Author pic url>
tags: [hello, docuhub, nextgen]
hide_table_of_contents: false

Welcome to this blog. This blog is created with [**DocuHub 2**](