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2 posts tagged with "api"

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Accessing National Water Model (NWM) Data via Google Cloud BigQuery API

· 3 min read
Arpita Patel
DevOps Manager and Enterprise Architect
gcp architectrure diagram Image Source:

Several important historical and ongoing National Water Model (NWM) datasets are now available on Google Cloud BigQuery, which makes them queryable through SQL using Google Cloud console. Some of these data sets are also accessible through an API (e.g. using Python). These datasets and their current status are as follows:

ProductCloud Console SQLCIROH APIHistoricalDaily Updates
Medium-range forecastsXXXX
Long-range forecastsXXXX
Analysis and AssimilationXXXX
Retrospective Data (NWM v3)XX
Return PeriodsXX

CIROH Research CyberInfrastructure Update

· 2 min read
Arpita Patel
DevOps Manager and Enterprise Architect

We're excited to share some recent developments and updates from CIROH's Research CyberInfrastructure team:

Cloud Infrastructure

  • CIROH's Google Cloud Account is now fully operational and managed by our team. You can find more information here.
  • We're in the process of migrating our 2i2c JupyterHub to CIROH's Google Cloud account.
  • We've successfully deployed the Google BigQuery API (developed by BYU and Google) for NWM data in our cloud. To access this API, please contact us at Please refer to NWM BigQuery API to learn more.